Alqayam Meghji

Alqayam Meghji, MPA '19
Alqayam Meghji
MPA ’19

Cornell Institute for Public Affairs

Alqayam Meghji (Al) is a second year MPA graduate student with the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs concentrating in Science, Technology and Infrastructure Policy. Through his career prior to Cornell he has worked on design and build projects in the UK water sector as an engineer, developed a resilient water and wastewater services policy for a UK water company as a strategic consultant, and worked with Engineers Without Borders in rural India as a technical expert.

His interest in climate change is centred around the provision and trade-offs between the three basic needs of food, energy, and water using infrastructure and policy, how these developments will be financed, and how decisions are made around equitable and just provision of these needs at the sub-national level. Al hopes to learn more about how all of these are embedded into the discussion at COP24.